All of Our Services Are Free
Blood pressure screening and cholesterol testing to all who walk in.
Our healthcare referral list covers a broad range of services and resources. Many clinicians on our list are bilingual and most participate in both public and private health insurance plans.
Our staff are New York State-certified application counselors, trained to assist individuals in enrolling for a health insurance plan that fits their eligibility.
Community Impact By the Numbers
Trained and Certified Community Health Workers
Community Members Screened for Mental Health
Community Members Screened for Cardiovascular Disease
Community Members Screened for Colorectal Cancer
Community Members Signed up for Health Insurance
Cardiovascular Disease Screening Events
We are welcoming the community to engage in a fun-filled afternoon of health promotion, education, free food and giveaways,and entertainment for the whole family!
The Columbia Center for Community Health in collaboration with the Columbia Global Center, Mumbai hosted a learning collaborative in Mumbai, India.
Even spring showers couldn't stop the magic of Manhattanville Community Day.
Meet Our Leadership
Columbia Center for Community Health is led by neurologist Olajide Williams and public health expert Robert Fullilove, both known for their pioneering approaches to improving public health in Harlem and Washington Heights.